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General Questions
How much does TalkAbroad cost?
How do I create an account?
I forgot my password!
I am a bookstore manager. How do I place an order?
Can our school pay on behalf of students?
Can students pay through the bookstore?
Why aren't I receiving the password replace email?
Student Safety Policy
Upcoming features and upgrades
Student Instruction Manual
Where do I get my recording?
Quick Test Call
How do I schedule a conversation?
How long does it take before the recording is ready / where can I find a copy of it after submitting the feedback form?
Rescheduling after technical problems
How do I join my conversation?
I just finished my conversation. What should I do now!?
Refund Policy
What is my Section Code?
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University Professors
Professor Instruction Manual
How do Conversation Tables work for my students?
How do I get started for the semester?
Can I give feedback about the partners?
TalkAbroad's pro features
How long are TalkAbroad conversations?
Class Powerpoint Presentation
What is a coordinator account?
How do I get started for the semester?
Do partners give feedback about student conversations?
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High School Professors
Should I use a high school or a university account?
High School Professor Instruction Manual
High School and University Accounts - What's the difference?
How do I change my account to a university professor account?
Getting Started with Free Middle and High School Conversations
Available TalkAbroad Resources
Conversation 1
La Mejor Tinta
How Conversation Partners are Trained
AP Spanish Language & Culture, Lexington High School
Student Account Video
Olivia Scarantino, Saint Joseph’s University
Peyton Deruiter, Michigan State University
Spanish Conversation, College of Charleston
Ocio y Entretenimiento
Building Confidence Trough TalkAbroad Conversations
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