How do I get started for the semester?

Coordinators get started just a bit differently than a professor. To get started, log into your TalkAbroad account.

1. Create Your Templates

Templates are reusable and contain the appropriate assignments for a given course level. You should make a different template for each different level using TalkAbroad. (101, 102, 201, etc)

2. Add Assignments

Once the template is created you want to add all your assignments for the syllabus. These will be copied into every section you create for your instructors. If your template was used in previous semesters you will be required to update the due date for each assignment before creating sections for your professors.

3. Create Sections for your Instructors

After your template has been filled in with the appropriate assignments you can add sections for your instructors by inputting the name of the class section, the email address and the end date for the semester. When you create a section our system will look for this instructor in our system. If the instructors already has a professor account we will create the section in the pre-existing account. If your instructor does not have an account the system will automatically create an account for them and add the new section. In both cases the instructor will receive an email alerting them to the new section and providing login instructions.

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