High School and University Accounts - What's the difference?

High school and university accounts are organized differently to suit the normal needs of the high school and university classrooms.

High School Accounts provide the teacher complete control of what happens in their class. The teacher creates and manages all student accounts so that the student does not have to provide any contact information. The teacher makes all payments either directly with a credit card or by requesting an invoice for the school district to pay. The teacher can distribute conversation credits to each student as needed. High school accounts easily facilitate full class conversations and small group conversations scheduled during class time by the teacher. The high school account will be less expensive when you are using full class conversations and small group conversations, but more expensive if you are requiring multiple one-on-one conversations for each student. 

University Accounts provide the professor with a simple platform for supervising their students. Students are required to create their own account, provide a contact email address, purchase (or redeem a code purchased by the school) conversation credits, and schedule conversations. University accounts work well if a professor will be requiring all students to complete multiple one-on-one conversations. The university account will be less expensive if your students are completing more than 2 conversations during the year.

Which account should you choose? You can use whichever account fits your needs best! If you're going to have full-class conversations during class time you will want a high school account. If you want students to have their own accounts, have multiple conversations, and schedule on their own outside of class time you will want a university account. Feel free to contact sales@talkabroad.com if you have questions or would like to know what we suggest for you!

How to convert your account to a university account.

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